Summer came to an abrupt end here with cooler temperatures, ripe tomatoes, the start of fall allergy season and...the school tax bill.
New York is legendary for its high taxes* so I was leery of what our bill would be. I did apply for the Enhanced STAR discount (School Tax Relief Program, which should be STPR but this is the government we are talking about here) but the powers that be don't deign to notify you what reduction, if any, you will receive .
The mechanics of this program are truly masterful in diabolical thinking. You get your bill, you pay the FULL amount. If you qualify for STAR, you get a rebate check. This replaces the former process where you got a reduced bill; this was deemed to be too straightforward and logical to be part of a government program. I think they hired Scrooge McDuck to invent the new system; I am not a fan.
So I was treated to a moment of absolute panic when I received our bill, it was more than double last year's. I had visions of us spending our golden twilight years working at Walmart to keep a roof over our heads.
Panic was replaced by elation today when the mail brought the Star check. And just like that, our taxes are an almost embarrassingly low amount; however, I will be a big girl and not complain.
I do blame New York State for my mood swinging almost bipolar in degree. But at least now I can least as long as I take my allergy meds.
*Interestingly, in Michigan we paid approximately the same rate in taxes and received bumpkus in services.