Monday, August 26, 2013

Hay there!

One of my favorite bloggers, Suzanne McMinn, just posted about transporting 55 bales of hay in her car and she and her daughter loading it into their barn Hay the Hard Way 

Our hay story is a bit different but just as hard!

Dennis, the nice gent who owns the picturesque barn across the road, just mowed the field around it.

It's been hot, hot, hot, so the hay dried thoroughly in a day.

Tom went over and started raking. He brought over several loads in the lawn cart and I went over later and did several more.

Then he had a brainstorm.

 Why not use one of our gigundo tarps?

He raked several piles into it.

Dragged it across the road, past the garage, and to the shed.

We pushed and shoved and got it inside to unload.

The shed is now partly full of lovely, FREE hay. There's plenty more left and if our backs recover and the heat lets up, we'll be over there raking it up.

Chickens in the Road gets it done with woman power, we do what we can with old people power!

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