"Let's go. Yes, let's go. (They do not move)."
- Samuel Beckett, Waiting for Godot
- Samuel Beckett, Waiting for Godot
We are in limbo, dangling between New York and Indiana and nowhere at all. We have cleaned and repaired our current house, now we wait, hoping someone is intrigued enough by the ads to come and look, and hopefully to buy. All of the work is waiting for us in Indiana while we wait here.
No one has ever accused me of being a patient person; I'm not good at waiting.
I make lists, I draw up plans. But still I'm here and the future is there.
Limbo, neither here nor there, in-between, oblivion, left field, Uncertainville, suspended between the northeast and the heartland.
I hate waiting too so you have all my sympathy!