Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Money. Again.

In my last post about money, Finding home, part 2 , I set myself up as some sort of financial guru, calm and at peace and having all the answers.

You didn't fall for that, did you?.

This move, like all life changes, is costing more than we thought, financially and emotionally.

We closed on our new place a few months back. I started planning the move.

Fill the propane tank. Ka-ching!
The only highspeed internet will be satellite. Ka-ching!
No washer at the new house. Ka-ching!
Rent a uhaul-type truck. Ka-Ching! Ka-Ching! Ka-Ching!

I have tinnitus from an imaginary cash register.

We knew these expenses were coming but I'm always shocked at how much things cost. Part of the problem in living so long is that sticker shock is a constant companion. As a kid we saw movies for $.35 ($.50 if it was a Disney flick). Popsicles at the mom and pop grocery were a nickle, a fudgie set you back $.07. We bought our first house for $11,500. I remember being shocked when gas rose from $.35 to $.50 per gallon. My brain knows it's 2012 but my wallet thinks it's 1970.

Or as my husband says, inflation has no problem keeping up with us.

So the next few years will be a struggle even though we scrimped and saved for a time like this. We've got a death grip on those pennies. I can only hope it doesn't get as bad as the poorest time in our lives when I crocheted our shoelaces instead of buying them. Top that bit of frugality if you can!

And if you do have any great hints for stretching, saving, doing without, share them. I'm sure we're not the only ones who could use some new ideas.


  1. freecycle, Craigslist, we have a free swap shed at our dump which is great - thrift stores and tag sales.

  2. Freecycle and craigslist have become dear friends. Here in NY you can't take anything from the dump which is a gigantic waste. My personal favorites are auctions--especially near the end when most people have left and they start selling off entire tables of stuff for a dollar or two. I've even had the auctioneer pay ME to take some stuff away. Looking forward to some great bargain hunting in Indiana!
