Thursday, July 11, 2019

Times of Extreme Frugality: Shoelaces and Earthquakes

My ever helpful sister called the other day to cheer me up from my so-far-this-summer-sucks depression.

"We didn't have an earthquake," she offered.

Yup, that did the trick.


When Tom and I were first married, like many couples we didn't have much money. He was a full time student and I worked part-time for minimum wage-- a whopping $2/hour. We managed to pay the rent, buy gas and groceries, but not much else. Then the shoelace on Tom's shoe broke. Rather than buy a pair, I CROCHETED SHOELACES FROM YARN. 

After he graduated and we were only poor instead of very, very poor, I vowed that, as God is my witness, I'll never crochet shoelaces again!

I never have. 
And I never will. 

1 comment:

  1. And I have never made hotdog water stewp again. That's where you boil the dogs, reserve the water, toss in 10 cent dented canned veggies and the sliced dogs, rewarm and serve. OCC memories.
