First up, elderflower presse.
English lit and tv are big in our house and it seems someone is always offering homemade elderberry wine to visitors. I don't drink wine but I thought a drink made from elderberry flowers sounded interesting. And they are in bloom right now.
So, first step, gather about 25 elderberry blossoms.
We have two elderberry bushes that we planted last year, but I wasn't willing to give up potential berries. Luckily, they grow wild along our road and it didn't take us long to spy some in a bit of wilderness.
Cut off most of the stems and pick over--there WILL BE BUGS.
Let sit overnight. Strain and store.
Essentially, what you have made is simple syrup with essence of elderflowers. Dilute one part presse with nine parts ice water or seltzer and pretend you're having tea with Miss Marple.
Years ago, I got interest in wild foods (anyone remember Euell Gibbons?). One of the few that we liked was day lily buds.
Day lilies grow wild along roadsides all over New York and are easy to spot. Word of caution: remember the old cartoons of corpses with white lilies on their chests? Those lilies are poisonous. Be sure you are picking day lilies, Hemerocallis, which have edible buds, flowers, shoots, and tubers.
I opted to saute the buds in some bacon grease. They are also good dipped in fritter batter and fried.
Cheap dinner of day lily buds, homegrown snap peas, turkey burger on a homemade bun. Summer on a plate!
Anyone else gleaned a meal from the wild? I would love to hear your experiences!
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