Saturday, March 22, 2014

A Dream Come True

I spent a good part of yesterday afternoon sitting in the garden.

Forget those visions of a lovely bench in the sunshine; I was on my rump in the dirt.

We've had several warm days in a row and the garden soil is ready to turn. We shaped the garden into beds last year and mulched them over the winter. This was supposed to make them ready to plant come spring.

But come spring, we found we were over-run with wild garlic. It's everywhere.

I want to have spring peas and greens, so I've started reclaiming the raised beds. This means turning over every inch with a spade and pulling out the weeds.

 I can't do much on my bad knees so I plop myself down and scoot along on my behind, weeding as I go.

Some rabbits keep me company as I work.

It sounds tedious and in some ways it is. But I spent the winter dreaming of fresh vegetables and warm sunshine,

so this is a dream come true.

And the garden looks great, at least 16 square feet of it. That only leaves about 900 square feet to go!

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