Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Years ago we had a friend named Bill.

Bill paid only in cash, didn't register his car, didn't eat processed foods, was convinced WWIII was nigh, stockpiled food and supplies, and talked endlessly about conspiracies and disasters.

We'd never met anyone like him and thought he was a complete nutjob.

Today he'd be called an extreme prepper and have his own reality show.

Regardless of the extreme survivalists and paranoiacs, more and more regular people have reached the conclusion that planning and preparing for tough times makes sense. That we should take responsibility for our own safety and survival in tough times, that we cannot rely on government programs or private charities when calamities occur. Maybe we won't experience the zombie apocalypse but we may very well have to live through floods or hurricanes, job loss or health problems. 

And really, every single night is The End of the World as We Know It. Tomorrow is not only another day but another world. Little changes, the you-can't-step-in-the-same-stream-twice differences insure we can't return, we can't go home again.

Even if it doesn't hit the fan, if the future brings nothing but rainbows and puppies, it's still change. And change is stress. Being at least a little prepared will keep those zombies at bay. 


  1. Cindy is the only person I know who could intelligently write about puppies, rainbows and zombies in the same post.

    1. just so's ya know--that comment was from my husband, not me!
